Sunday, January 17, 2010

Motorcycle Insurance Laws What Is The Ny Dmv Law That Makes Insurance Co. Cover Sudden Depreciation On A New Hit Motorcycle?

What is the ny dmv law that makes insurance co. cover sudden depreciation on a new hit motorcycle? - motorcycle insurance laws

Our new 08 Harley was struck by a driver to the left. Another driver was admitted to a fine and exclusive fault. The insurance will cover the damage, but our concern is that we completely repaired, but the resale value is lost. There will always be a bike that was involved in an accident. We buy a new bike from a dealer 3 months ago. Thanks for any help.

1 comment:

dmb91100 said...

hold a value of less demand, you can use a little money in his pocket, so you get one of these claims can get. But they are not safe in some states, New York and are ussaly only if there is damage to the chassis of the car, are not sure about the bike. In any case, ask the insurance to a value lower demand

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