Friday, January 15, 2010

Cooler Collar How Many Buttons Should A Man Unfasten When Wearing An Open Neck Shirt With A Collar?

How many buttons should a man unfasten when wearing an open neck shirt with a collar? - cooler collar

If you have an open-necked shirt with a collar and tie, how many buttons top left untied? Years ago I was told during the daytime and two at night and on weekends. However, work and television, all people seem to the T-shirt with two buttons undone to bear. That's fine, but then the distinction between work and leisure, you will need three release button, which seems a bit much (especially now that the weather gets colder working). Ideas?


xy said...

Both, I suppose. two is sexy. btw i love men with shirts buttoned it seems that you know what you do:)

xy said...

Both, I suppose. two is sexy. btw i love men with shirts buttoned it seems that you know what you do:)

M M T said...

I went with the two buttons that all the time. Depending on the subject, where the keys. On most shirts on a button, look a little "strange" to me. It is my personal opinion. Three-button is a little too far, even for users of light. There is a line between "I'm afraid you'll see my breasts" and "See my breast," if you know what I mean.

Diamond D said...

or one or you can wear a T-shirt and open to the possibility of having most of what you feel comfortable with the end of the day

Published cooler environment

Diamond D said...

or one or you can wear a T-shirt and open to the possibility of having most of what you feel comfortable with the end of the day

Published cooler environment

Matthew Jay said...

I would say, 2 Work 1 Working 2nd
3 is trying to take a shower and you're really crazy

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